Post 5: POD 8 Review + Feedback

Hey Pod 8,

I have to admit, reading through your learning resource was a real pleasure. Your learning resource design for “The Journey to Understanding Finances” is well-defined and addresses a significant need for financial literacy among high school students. You’ve effectively explained your topic’s relevance and urgency by citing statistics about student loan and credit card debt, emphasizing the importance of early financial management education.

 I also noticed you have highlighted important misconceptions about finances that need clearing up. This positions your resource to offer thorough financial education that covers more than just saving money. Your choice of aiming at Canadian high school students in grades 11 and 12 is fitting, and you’ve also thought about making your material work for students with different needs. Also, I must say, your blog is extremely well structured and very eye-catching.

Just like we’ve used WordPress and other tools in this course, you’ve chosen a smart option by using a WordPress Blog to run your course. This will make learning organized and interactive. Adding YouTube videos and websites will make learning even better. Your ways of checking learning – using Google Forms, discussion posts, and interactive activities – give students different ways to learn and take part.

I also want to appreciate the effort you’ve put into structuring each unit. They all flow well, and I found the learning objectives to be clear and on-point. It’s great how you’ve broken down the content into manageable pieces, making it easier for learners to grasp. And the way you’ve included links and references in each unit is a thoughtful touch. It gives learners a chance to explore further if they want, which is great! Overall,  really great work team!

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